Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ermenegildo Zegna: Cool – Cooler – The Cool Effect

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Entering the second century of the brand’s existence, the SS11 collection of Ermenegildo Zegna is a celebration of style, craftsmanship, tradition and innovation. This season unveils one more time the secret behind the brands consistency: looking into the future while keeping strong roots. Translating the Italian DNA into a global gentleman’s needs, Zegna also demonstrates it knows how to cater best to its customer in reuniting style, quality, tradition, excellence, masculinity and contemporaneousness under the same collection.

With and enduring passion for fabric and novelty, this season’s innovation include “Silko”, “Silk Seersucker”, “Crossover Seersucker Suits”, “Zero Weight”, “Micro Silk” and “High Performance Cool Effect”, making this collection an extremely enjoyable wardrobe for the classy man with a multi-faceted lifestyle.

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The “Cool Effect” is one of the leading innovations and one which offers the wearer both an impeccable appearance and maximum comfort while he is being exposed to hot climates. The secret behind lies in an exclusive wash treatment which the fabric undergoes, enabling the dark material to replicate the reflective properties of light colored ones. This treatment reduces thus the fabric’s surface temperature, cooling in this manner the effect of the summer sun. The fibers’ quality, woven from pure Australian wool, is not affected by this treatment, keeping its characteristic lightness, softness and sumptuousness to the touch.

There is a range of clothing available with the Cool Effect fabric, from refined suits to relaxed jackets, conferring the wearer a stylish relaxed silhouette in an assortment of rich blues, grays, browns and a range of tonal patterns.

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This collection holds two of the attributes a man would want to invest in when buying a suit: classicism and masculinity. Add to that a fabric innovation like the Cool Effect and he will not only look good in an outfit that compliments his male physique, but he will feel comfortable and confident in any hot situation.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport L'Or Blanc

Being an unique piece and a collaboration between two luxury houses which cherish the quality first, the Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport L'Or Blanc is a great success of the Brand Bugatti and the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (KPM).

The car was unveiled on Thursday, the 30th of June this year, in Berlin, Germany, making this the first time that porcelain is used in the creation of a car, more than that, the fastest car in the world. Stefan Brums, Marketing and Sales Director of Bugatti explains that the idea of doing what they did seems a bit strange at first, but that was exeactly the challange that made everything so interesting and by keeping the high standards of quality and esthetics while experimenting with new materials, they were faithful to what the legacy of Ettore Bugatti means.

Porcelain is used in seven locations on the outside of the car, such as fuel and oil filler caps, wheel centers or the large "EB" badge on the back. Inside, there are five places, one of them being a relief between the seatbacks in the back, depicting an elephant on its two backlegs. This elephant, so Bugatti, is the inspiration source for the collaboration of these two companies.

The car is still up for sale and maybe someone might buy it, because then they would get a unique piece of art and technology. Nevertheless, this does not come cheap: 1,65Million Euros!

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Monaco Royal Wedding: Exclusive Pictures!

My dear readers,

as I have already promised, I am showing you some pictures that have been shot there and then for the civil marriage, the "church" wedding and for the buffet afterwards or the firework show (see program of the events here)...all exclusively shot by a Monegasque. Mrs. Andree Pelassy and I were discussing about this event even before the engagement and last year brought new excitement for us, because we knew Monaco would be a wonderful place to be during this princely period.

Our expectations were met, and because she had the honour of participating in most of the events, I took advantage and kindly asked her to send some pictures which I could post here for all of you to see.

For the buffet, she told me, there were a lot of fruits, plus local specialities such as the Monegasque Barbagiuan or South African fish and meat dishes. Around ten bars were there only for the serving of Champagne, which made the event even more pleasent.

Here you can see the compostable and biodegradeable plates I told you the prince had chosen, due to his ecologically friendly attitude.

Here's a bit from the fruit-bar.

The Jean Michel Jarre concert was really amazing, here are some pictures from the fireworks.

And the next day the guests arrive for the wedding ceremony,'s Naomi:

Accompanied by her dad, H.S.H. Princesse Charlene of Monaco is making her way to her prince...

And there they are both before getting into the car to be driven to the church Sainte Devote...

So, in the end, I must say a very big MERCI BEAUCOUP, ANDREE! and I really hope that you have enjoyed seeing these pictures.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Monaco Royal Wedding: The Civil Marriage and The Speech

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Here's a video I found on bits of the civil marriage and the speech H.S.H. Prince Albert de Monaco held afterward, also a speech from the mayor of Monaco presenting a gift from the people to the newly wedded couple.


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Monaco Royal Wedding: Monaco Makes a Dream Come True

The Official Engagement Picture
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Today Monaco celebrates an event which has been long awaited in the small Principality, an event which most Monegasque people were wondering if they will get to see it. This event gives the small country a new stability and a view of its future: H.S.H. Albert II of Monaco will marry his fiancee, Miss Charlene L. Wittstock, an African swimming athlete.

All eyes are already on the Principality, as two long hard days are announced. There will certainly be comparisons to the wedding in London in April, but above all one has great expectations for the future princess, because she must win the hearts of the people, not just stand in the shadow of the memory of Grace Kelly. And she is on the right track there, with 48 hours of party announced and over 200 public events taking place - this will really create an atmosphere of closeness to the people, an idea which the Prince was keen on.

The official program, with the Monaco time looks like this:
First of July 2011 - 17:00 - Throne Room of the Prince's Palace - Civil Marriage
18:00 - Palace Square - Evening Buffet
20:00 - Port - Reception
22:00 - Port Hercule - Jean Michel Jarre Concert
Second of July 2011 - 17:00 - Courtyard of the Castle - Church Wedding
18:30 - Saint Devote Church - Ceremony of the Bridal Bouquet
21:00 - Opera Garnier - Official Dinner and Ball
22:00 - Louis II Stadium - Eagles Concert
23:30 - Monaco Bay - Fireworks, Pyrotechnical Arrangement by Jacques Couturier

After the civil ceremony on the first day, the prince and his princess along with 7618 Monegasques and their companions will take part in an evening buffet. The hotel chain Fairmont took responsibility for the food offered then, and the menu is selected symbolically: fairmont Zimbali in South Africa will offer typical African dishes and Fairmont Monte Carlo will help with the local touch.

Because the prince is known for his environmentally f
riendly behavior, compostable and biodegradable plates and cutlery have been chosen for this event. Even the vehicle of the couple is special! The 23 June 2011 specifically for the wedding delivered Lexus LS 600h L is a hybrid. The prince has long been a supporter of hybrid or electric cars and he promises a huge tax credit for everyone in Monaco, who chooses to purchase such a vehicle.

Also the menu of the official dinners should be made simple, durable and environmentally friendly. For this, the most starred Chef in the world, Alain Ducasse, has been chos
en, together with his team from SBM. Alain Ducasse and his around 350 helpers will prepare the dinner for about 450-500 guests, making sure it has a strong local Mediterranean flair. The ingredients should be locally (this approach is environmentally friendly and also relies on ethics), therefore vegetables and other plants were seeded long time ago in the garden of the Grimaldi family, and tomorrow these will be used for the official gala dinner. The fish will be fished along the coasts of Monaco on Saturday morning by one of the last fisher families in the Principality. Although he has not officially released the menu of the dinner, Alain Ducasse has revealed some of it: for the reception of the guests he will serve fried dumplings filled with vegetables - probably the Monegasque dish Barbagiuan.

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Afterwards, the Chef reveals that the fish for the main dish (red mullet, scorpion fish and others) will be cooked in fish broth and will be accompanied by red South African wine. For the sweet ending of the evening, Alain Ducasse will use the milk from the cows in the property of the prince. Foie gras, truffles or caviar are in the period of an economic downturn not welcome, the luxury now is being ecological.

Even if you don't come from Monaco, but you are near the happening, I advise you to be there.
On July 1st at12 o'clock local time all parking lots in Monaco start to be without charge and more trains than usual will hold in Monaco. The concert of Jean Michel Jarre is t
he free and one should also not miss the fireworks at the end of two days, because Jacques Couturier can leave one speechless with his work.

But if you can not be there, 1500 journalists will be there for you, reporting from Monaco and you can watch the wedding live on the internet (on, euronews, etc.)

Only a few hours left until the dream wedding begins...

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